Report: Operation HOLLOW HILL - Day Two


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  • IAGO, Department of the Treasury, Office of Terrorism and Financial Intelligence
  • IMOGEN, IRS Criminal Investigator
  • INDIGO, Black-Hat Hacker.
  • IRENA, FBI Criminal Profiler
  • ISAAC, Anthropologist
  • ISOLDE, FBI Forensic Pathologist

After returning from the scene of the abandoned Semi along the highway, and with no other leads to go off of, the agents return to a motel in Brush, Colorado, and make plans for tomorrow.

They rest, at sunrise, a motorcycle courier meets them at their lodgings and hands them a thumb drive in fire-proof packaging, giving Y-Cell's regards, and leaving. The following report is found on the thumb-drive.


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  • YVONNE, Central Intelligence Agency - Special Activities Division/Political Action Group
  • YURI, United States Army - Intelligence Support Activity
  • YERSINIA, FBI Intelligence and Operations Support Section - Counterintelligence
  • O'Malley, Colin - Chicago Police Department, Homicide - On loan from Z-Cell

Y-CELL compiled the following points of relevance regarding the phenomenon concerning Miss Halimah Jassim and her operations in Chicago.

Key Judgement 1: Miss Halimah Jassim is nearly certain to be under the effects of hypergeometric mental effects, is the owner of the Black Bowl and is fully aware of the technique necessary to achieve the full incarnation of a hyperspatial intellect with massive destructive capabilities.
Key Judgement 2: Miss Halimah Jassim is probably urgently heading to Midland, South Dakota to the Baker farm to complete the hypergeometric technique utilising bovine as fuel and Baker potentially as a participant.
Key Judgement 3: There are even odds Miss Halimah Jassim has hypergeometric techniques and potential beyond her already known capabilities.

Further details:

Her father Mr Ephrim Jassim, is an ethnic Kurd, who came to the US with American assistance from via Turkey after fleeing Baathist rule despite being a trusted neurosurgeon. He has adamantly refused offers of returning to Iraq to serve as a spy trusted in Iraq, adamantly refused to return considering his information. He was surveilled for a period of time and after that it concluded was no threat he landed a role at Chicago Medical School where he is paid extremely well.

Miss Halimah Jassim, who is of Kurdish extraction (naturalised), attended the University of Chicago studying Middle Eastern History and took particular interest in heterodox historical and anthropological theories. Miss Halimah Jassim investigated principally Middle Eastern histories and texts utilising the University of Chicago, Within the University of Chicago Rare Text section she is believed to have studied in depth the history of the Middle East and two texts of significance.

Her accessed materials were the poor-quality English translation of Friedrich Wilhelm von Junzt’s, [Von] Unaussprechlichen Kulten, and reports from the British Raj’s Imperial Civil Service with particular interest in the Keshite Empire. Junzts writings concerned a cult of a fire god, said to have prospered in India as an offshoot of the Thuggee cult which syncretised the fire god with Kali. This offshoot believed that the summoning of Kali which Junzt encountered was achieved through an artefact, referred to as the Black Bronze, the vessel a small black bronze bowl used to summon Kali through bloodletting. “Kali” would assume a human vessel through sexual congress, the slaughtering of bovine.

The utilisation of sexual congress indicates the necessity of altered psychological states being necessary to the completion of the hypergeometric technique.

It is additionally mentioned and discussed that this Fire-Thuggee cult believed that the Goddess originally hailed from Central Asia, from a great Empire of Kesh where their Empress would serve as the vessel for this God. It is mentioned by Von Junzt that this cult claims that there were followers of Kali in central Asia India, who used this to honour the great god with sacrifices, it was destroyed by the “weak men” of the mountains and Afghanistan.

Von Junzt also refers to an Empire of Kesh which was a massive empire of the ancient past, run as a matriarchal military dictatorship, with the Empress of its divine monarchy being embodied by what could be best translated as a “solar-fire-god-demon”. It is believed that this led to the weaponization of the technique to destroy and lay waste to great empires and burn their settlements,

The Direct Extract is as follows:

Empress of Kesh
If she become known by the dogs of other tribes,
she shall whisper Kesh’iaa-thuga-me-tay into a lover’s ear
And give her maiden blood unto Kesh,
served in the holy vessel of his “demon bowl.”
He that lives in the Kabba of Stars will be pleased
And gift unto the Chosen people his glorious fire.
When maid is no more, she blooms into
an Empress Of Resplendent Kesh,
She shall travel unto the stone-silk carpet of God
Ringed by six pillars of wrathful lightning,
To burn her enemies and drain their herds of life
And as a faithful wife bear unto her dastūr a son.
The Empresses shall walk the 28 roads to heaven
And there do service unto the Father of Flame,
And be blessed with his children of Holy Fire.
Kesh is reborn in the burning root of life.
He shall set to blaze the very horizon
And burn clean the desert Keshitte’s call Paradise

Her original motivations probably were twofold:

Material: Obtain a lucrative untapped body of research to legitimise her more niche archaeological theories and fund a PhD.

Ideological: Halimah Jassim appears to have some deep-seated resentments concerning the ownership of cultural artefacts.

It is probable that Halimah Jassim has undergone hypergeometric psychic capture by the hyper-spatial intellect associated with the Keshite syndeme.

Ms Halimah Jassim during her time at the University of Chicago began a relationship with Mr David Baker who she frequently messaged initially within the university’s chat rooms for anthropology. with a large tail of evidence of cohabitation and evidence from surveillance by the Chicago Police Department.

It is nearly certain that Mr David Baker is a cryptofascist of neonazi skinhead tendency and is known to have owned the Anarchist Cookbook.

This was kept secret from Miss Halimah Jassim who broke up upon discovering Mr Baker’s true political persuasions according to the testimony of the latter’s roommate.

Mr Tomas Drennon and Miss Halimah Jassim probably came into contact via Mr Baker, presumably his recommendation. Miss Jassim’s relationship with him in the specifics is unknown beyond a commercial relationship however we are aware of Miss Jassim’s deep-seated distaste for his illicit ownership of cultural artefacts from groups to which he did not belong. However, there is not enough evidence to suggest murderous intent instead merely desired to use him to further her career and abandon him afterwards.

It is believed that David Baker's father’s farm contains a large amount of bovine and thus latent energy for the hypergeometric technique to complete its activation and risks further deployment.


After reading the report, the agents believe they know where Jassim is due, and begin packing their things to make way to the Baker farm in Midland, South Dakota.

Using IAGO's connections in the Custom's Office, they're able to get a flight out to an airstrip near Midland and be escorted to the farm by deputies from the county sheriff's office. Negotiating with the anti-government dad was challenging, though they were eventually able to get him to agree to let the Agents and deputies to stay on the property to await Halimah's arrival. IMOGEN and IRENA coaching David on how to act when she arrives, instructing him to give her water and lead her into the cornfield, unaware that the water he will be giving her has been spiked with ketamine by I-Cell to subdue her. ISAAC and INDIGO retreat into a supply shed to study the black sword of Dza-Ngar Phan, on IMOGEN's advice. The sword is connected to the bowl that caused this to happen to Halimah, studying it might give insights into the mechanics of the bowl. Halimah arrives in a dizzying ball of warped light and fire at the edge of the highway and begins walking, sobbing, towards the house. David runs to receive her and gives her water before leading her into the cornfield. The agents follow at a distance. Once Jassim falls asleep, under the influence of the ketamine, IMOGEN receives a phonecall from a Bent county deputy all the way down in Colorado asking after her, saying there are men from the Air Force at the Drennon household wishing to connect with them. She promises to call them back and rings up IAGO, relaying what she's heard. IAGO stiffy tells her that the people at the house are not air force and are hostiles. He orders I-Cell to wrap up their operation as soon as possible. Fearing that the unknown hostiles will track them to the Baker farm, the agents move swiftly to relocate Jassim. IAGO directs them to Sioux Falls to be received by another cell. They arrive at a junkyard and are escorted to a forested area by armed agents of O-Cell and rendezvous with Omar. They take Jassim to the center of a field and throw a tarp over her. Their logic is to starve the entity that's possessing her of electricity. After several hours, there's a thunderclap and strange lightning from Jassim's body. Jassim is listless and confused, but alive and out of the thing's control. I-Cell hands her to O-Cell. IMOGEN calls back to the Air Force investigators, playing up her cover as a Customs Service agent, and agrees to meet them at O'Hare airport. The rest scatter. IMOGEN is received at the burger king in O'Hare airport by a man claiming to represent the AFOSI. he buys her a shake and has her sign agreements stating that she'll remain silent on the now-classified investigation. Bedraggled and reeking of booze, IMOGEN leaves. The Air Force agent flashes her a grin, three of his gold teeth glimmering.


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