Belli Occulta: Timeline of Events
- Summer, 1968: Jason Moorehouse, a Microbiologist working with USAMRIID, is approached by members of the official Delta Green. He studies the remains of "Aquatic Humanoids" recovered by a Delta Green operation in South Vietnam.
- 20 March 1980: Aloysius and Susan Gowdie of Brooklyn, New York, suddenly vanish. Their daughter, Amber, is discovered two days later by a truancy officer and relocated to St. Elizabeth's Girl's Home, an orphanage run by the Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn.
- 26 May, 1980: Only two months after Amber’s arrival, the Diocese of Brooklyn receives an urgent request from Sister Catherine Pruitt to have an exorcism performed on Amber Gowdie. Priests Casimir Szary and Peter Rozsavolgyi are sent to perform the ritual. During the exorcism, the two priests witness horrific and explicable things, and discover the occult power of "The Shape", a strange bauble worn on a necklace by Gowdie. The exorcism is ultimately a success. Neither priest ever performs an exorcism again.
- 10 May 1985: Noah Burke, a masters student in archaeology at Harvard, partially contributes to a publication by his professor, Gregory Oliphaunt: “Moloch: human sacrifice in ancient mediterranean religion and its evolution into the modern day”.
- 3 July 1985: Oberstleutnant Anton Gehrke, an counterintelligence officer of the Stasi, the East German Secret Police, discovers the activities of a chapter of the Dorian Grey Society in East Berlin. A raid on their hideout kills all members of the Chapter and every Stasi officer except for Gehrke, who takes two months psychiatric leave after the incident.
- 31 September 1988: Father Peter Rozsavolgyi, one of the exorcists from 1980, disappears.
- 1 October 1989: Noah Burke travels to Turkey, continuing his research into antique mystery cults and the tradition of human and animal sacrifice for his Ph.D, He discovers references to a cult of the "Lord of the Labyrinth", suppressed and persecuted during the time of the Timurid Empire. He visits a cave in Eastern Turkey believed to have been a "sacred site" to the cult. He encounters the Lord of the Labyrinth.
- 20 December 1989: The U.S invades Panama. In the months before the invasion, CIA intelligence case officer Yair Teixeira is approached by members of the Dorian Grey Society, who offer compromising material on members of the Panamanian goverment and military in exchange for the CIA's "services". Teixeira agrees. In exchange for the intelligence, the CIA orders hit-teams to assassinate members of a new-age group in Panama known as the "Lamplighters", and begins covering up the Society's activities in Panama and the United States. Teixeira's contacts in the Dorian Grey Society become his most prized intelligence assets, feeding him intelligence from France, to Brazil, to Indonesia.
- 15 March 1990: The "Boston Vagrant Slayings" begin, a rash of murders among Boston's homeless community believed to be the work of a serial killer. Delta Green is alerted by witness testimonies alleging the victims weren't slain by a human being, but were killed by "white spiders the size of dogs" bursting from their chests. Delta Green investigates under Operation TABLE DANCER. Agents earmark Noah Burke as a potential suspect, having recently returned from Turkey and becoming a recluse, they also makes contact with an antiquarian in the Dorchester neighborhood named Bernice Cartfield. The TABLE DANCER team is ordered to withdraw when Majestic agents posing as military police take jurisdiction over the case.
- 2 August 1990: The Gulf War begins. MAJESTIC directs Project CATALYST to inoculate unwitting U.S Army servicemen with experimental substances in order to examine their effects. Tom Murphy, a Sergeant attached to a mechanized infantry brigade in the 1st Army Division, is among the candidates. He participates in the Bulldozer assault during Desert Storm. After the war, Murphy and his cohort begin to suffer bizarre and damaging after-effects they blame on the innoculations, despite denial from the military.
- 19th December 1991: MJ-8 Project DANCER turns in a report on the alien parasite living inside of Noah Burke, who Majestic had captured in 1990. Majestic’s leader, Justin Kroft, is fascinated by the parasite's ability to grant its host accelerated healing, immunity to disease and shock, and its arresting of the aging process, and moves to consolidate the research project under his contorl through March Technologies under Project COMBO, with Burke acting as its primary test subject. "Universal Alignment", a "alternative medicine research group" is founded in Connecticut through March Technologies, with its purpose being to find persons who can be "disappeared" without anyone noticing so they can be used as human test subjects.
- 1 April 1992: Oberstleutnant Anton Gehrke kidnaps, tortures, and kills Linard Kohler, a Swiss banker in his resort home in Gstaad. Kohler was affiliated with the Dorian Grey Society chapter in Berlin. Through his interrogations, he learns about the Dorian Grey Society’s structure and power. He dismembers Kohler and deposits his remains in an ice ravine on the mountain near Kohler's home. His remains are not discovered until 1995. No suspect is ever identified.
- 13 November 1992: Percival Bristow, a cultist of Y'Golonac, buys his way into the Dorian Grey Society's chapter in Boston, using sorcerous power in lieu of material wealth. He is made an "Extended Member" and is put in charge of the Society's security in Boston.
- 1 June 1993: At the direction of Major General Reginald Fairfield, Colonel Jason Moorehouse, now an bonafide agent of Delta Green, investigates the bizarre symptoms of “gulf war syndrome” reported by members of the U.S Armed Forces under Operation EMPTY VESSEL. Their investigation leads them to Sgt. Murphy, conducting his own investigation. They are able to misdirect Majestic counterintelligence efforts and arranges for off-the-books surgical procedures for Sgt. Murphy and his men to remove strange, tumorous "growths" that were forming on them. Sgt. Murphy is introduced to Delta Green.
- 25 February, 1994: Maj. Gen. Reginald Fairfield is assassinated by NRO DELTA. Delta Green restructures into a cell-based conspiracy. Colonel Moorehouse is made Agent MUNROE, Edward Donoghue is made Agent IAGO. Dr. Joseph Camp assumes its leadership as Agent ALPHONSE.
- 14 April 1994: M-Cell, consisting of MUNROE (USAMRIID Microbiologist Jason Moorehouse), and MORRISSON (AFOSI Agent Franklin Reyes) conducts Operation HEIRLOOM. They sabotage a meeting with delegates of the New York criminal syndicate known as The Network and a gang of Tcho-Tcho drug-dealers from Chicago. They are able to manipulate the meeting so that talks break down, then later ambush and kill the Network's delegate, a sorcerer named Glenn Carpenter. Sgt. Tom Murphy is brought along as a Friendly, and is later read-in as Agent MONTY. ATF Agent Luke Harrison and FBI Special Agent Adrian Walck, who were investigating Carpenter and witnessed the impossible things he was capable of, are flagged as Friendlies.
- 11 July 1995: IRS Criminal Investigator Sylvia Pontecorvo investigates a sophisticated money-laundering racket centered in New York. Her investigation lead her to the discovery of an old-money fraternity known as the Exalted Circle, and catches the attention of peers in the Department of the Treasury, who authorized her to probe deeper into the Circle's finances. She comes across large payouts to law enforcement officials, lawyers, and private detectives all relating to a series of violent attacks and disappearances in an isolated swampland in Virginia. Pontecorvo is able to get involved in the hands-on investigation of her findings, discovering a community of half-human, half-alien hybrids living in the reserve, ostensibly under protection by the Circle. She witnesses the death of Agent ICHABOD (Retired U.S Marine Sergeant Major James Griel), murdered by an “Aquatic Humanoid”. After the hybrids are destroyed and their existence covered-up, IAGO convinces Pontecorvo to let the investigation go until “the time is right”. Pontecorvo is later flagged as a Friendly. (Delta Green files classify this action as "Operation TAMERLANE")
- 20 July 1995: A team of federal agents are attached to PATCON, a government operation investigating the militia movement and other far-right organizations such as the Aryan Unions and the KKK. They investigate the Knights of Mu, a group that espouses the racial pseudoscience and esotericism of the Nazis. They are brought to a meeting with Spencer Wainwood, who reveals himself to be a sorcerer in league with a hideous race of aquatic beings. They narrowly escape Wainwood’s home before they are apprehended by agents of Delta Green. Months later they are briefed and brought in as V-Cell. (Delta Green retroactively classifies this as "Operation DEVILFISH")
- 14 March, 1996. Operation SHAKEDOWN. Delta Green investigates a rash of murder-suicides across Mississippi and Alabama connected to Morning House Youth Home, a foreclosed children’s home and adoption agency in Alabama with distant financial connections to the Exalted Circle. They narrow the search to a suspect, a former resident of Morning House named Bobby-Ray Tulk, who was “awakening” his childhood comrades to strange and occult rites in worship to “Tulu”, a being worshipped by Tulk. Special Agent Mary Bryant, an FBI criminal profiler, is charged with creating a psychological profile for Tulk. Viktor Morozov, an Adjunct Professor from Baylor University is contacted by the FBI for his expertise in History and the Occult. Agent IVAN (OEE Agent Brian Jones) is killed by Tulk during a confrontation with the sorcerer. Bryant and Morozov are tagged as Friendlies.
- 10 August 1996: Operation AHAB. M-Cell investigates disappearances, strange lights, and UFO sightings in rural Vermont, they discover a crashed Grey gateship, and the Greys' attempts to repair it. MUNROE is killed by a horrific, fungal horror accompanying the Greys. MORRISSON suffers a mental collapse and is deemed unfit for deployment. Agent ADAM promotes MONTY to cell leader. FBI Special Agent Adrian Walck is read-in as Agent MARCUS. ATF Agent Luke Harrison is read-in as Agent OAKES of O-Cell.
- 6 October 1996: Dr. Yousef Rafiq, a Syrian Catholic employed as an immunologist at Brooklyn's Kings County Medical Centre, attends church at Our Lady of Czestochowa Catholic Church and goes to confession. He confesses his despair at being unable to diagnose and prevent the deaths of people suffering from the strange disease affecting the terminal ward to Father Casimir Szary. His accounts horrifies Szary, who asks Rafiq for details recounting the exorcism he performed in 1980, wondering if the incidents are connected. He humours Rafiq’s belief that it's the result of the disease, and doesn’t open up about his supernatural experience with the Gowdie Shape, believing it would have made him come off as mad. He works alongside Rafiq for the next three years attempting to discern the disease's origins.
- 4 March 1997: Operation THROWING DISTANCE. I-Cell investigates the discovery of gold coins and baubles connected to the Aquatic Humanoids during a drug-bust in Corpus Christi, Texas. They end up encountering the remnants of a colony of deep one hybrids. IMOGEN suspects their parentage to be connected to the Exalted Circle. Mary Bryant and Viktor Morozov are read-in as Agent IRENA and ISAAC.
- 22 July 1997: Operation BROKERAGE. I-Cell is deployed to Brooklyn, New York, to investigate occult elements pertaining to the suicide of IRS Criminal Investigator Wayne Klinger in a Coney Island motel room. Klinger had been investigating Coney Island Carpets, a carpeting and contracting firm in Coney Island which was suspected of having close criminal connections to the Russian and Ukrainian mafias. I-Cell discovered that Klinger's death was the result of a spell cast on him by Coney Island Carpet's benefactors in the Tadjbegskaya Bratva, a brotherhood of the Russian mafia that conduct international human trafficking through a network of Gates that enter into a parallel dimension called "The Dreamlands". They bust a meeting between members of the Bratva and a cult they later identify as The Skoptsi, and later assassinated the Bratva's fixer in New York, Kostya Bekhterev. Sabina Vassatou, a cybercriminal and Friendly for I-Cell, is read-in as Agent INDIGO.
- 10 November 1997: Operation BRONZE VESSEL. M-Cell investigates the death of Aarion Spaniard, a drug dealer and FBI confidential informant whose remains were examined and found to have strange inconsistencies with the stated cause of the death, suicide. M-Cell discovered Spaniard had fallen in with Universal Alignment, an alternative medicine research group with a history of mysterious deaths, disappearances, and suicides. They are contacted by a woman who identifies herself by the pseudonym "Stingray", who informs them of the truth of Universal Alignment (that it's a March Technologies front) and certain weakness that can be exploited to bring it down. M-Cell sabotages Universal Alignment through a coordinated campaign of harassment and stalking against one of its leaders, causing them to suffer a mental collapse, cascading until Majestic moves to liquidate the group. Despite the high casualty count, it is branded a success. Agent MARCUS aka Adrian Walck is later approached by Majestic (unknowingly) and offered a deal to write a book retelling the "true" story of the fall of Universal Alignment.
- 8 February 1998: Operation RED PLOWMAN. M-Cell investigates the strange death of a sex worker in Boston. They discover the culprit to be Percival Bristow, a rogue British intelligence agent and sorcerer of “The Headless Corpse God”, living in Boston and acting as a Fixer for The Dorian Grey Society, an international human trafficking network that caters to the ultra-wealthy. Their investigation brings them into contact with an Ex-Stasi Officer, Oberstleutnant Anton Gehrke, the occult con-artist Bernice Cartfield, and Ginette Wirtz, a Lady of The Fate. Percival Bristow is assassinated and the Dorian Grey Society's "playhouse" in Boston is raided by the FBI.
- 10 February 1998: Operation BLUE ISTHMUS. I-Cell investigates the Skoptsi. They learn of the Skoptsi’s leadership: its high priest, Jermija Bogdashkavich, NKVD defector Fedor Berezhkov, and the sorceress Yelena Kalamatiano. They uncover its criminal connections to the Russian mob and to a shipping firm known as “Tiger Transit”. Agents INDIGO and IMOGEN are narrowly able to thwart an attempted kidnapping by the Skoptsi. During teh ambush, INDIGO murders two Skoptsi cultists with the Blade of Dza-Ngar Phan, a sword she pilfered from Kostya Bekhterev, revealing its supernatural power. They choose not to disclose this to the rest of their cell, or their cell leader.
- March 1998: MONTY leaves the New York Army National Guard and founds "Minuteman Guns and Ammunition LLC.", a mail-order weapons dealership based out of upstate New York. He and his employees, who are mostly veterans he served with in the Gulf War, begin touring the American gun-show circuit. He oversees a small publishing company, Minuteman Press, which prints "Sic Semper Tyrannis", a monthly publication that appeals to right-wing gun owners, militia members, as well as conspiracy theorists and UFO fanatics. Readers are encouraged to send in reports of weird activity they see, be it alien or government. The publication is used to spread disinformation and collect intelligence on Grey and Majestic activity, though most of his reader's reports are less-than-reliable.
- 7 April 1998: Operation FLUNG CROWN. Going off a tip by Stingray, MONTY activates M-Cell without authorization from A-Cell and musters them to the town of Ribbons, Pennsylvania. There, they interrogate Dr. Bruce Jeppson, an ailing Majestic researcher. They, and Stingray, discover to their horror that Jeppson isn't just sick, but is being changed by something otherworldly. Stingray kills Jeppson and debriefs M-Cell on what they learned. M-Cell tips Stingray off to the existence of The Fate.
- 28 April 1998: Operation ARIADNE. M-Cell investigates Operation CATAPULT, a MAJESTIC operation investigating a ruined alien outpost in the hills of Vermont. M-Cell performs an independent investigation and retrieves evidence that suggests the fungoid "Whisperers", who were previously believed to be some manner of biological weapon or slave-race to the Greys, are actually controlling the Greys. They unsuccessfully attempt to apprehend a servant of the Whisperers who uses magic to summon an enormous horror that destroys a dam and floods several towns along the West River in Vermont.
- 15 May 1998: Operation HOLLOW HILL. I-Cell deploys to Colorado, intending to enter the home of an artifact smuggler named Tomas Drennon under false identities as agents of the US Customs Service serving a search warrant. They intend to seize an antique “black bronze” bowl with known hypergeometric providence in Drennon’s possession, and to question Drennon on his dealings with the Skoptsi. They arrive to find Drennon dead, and spend the next three days frantically chasing Halimah Jassim, a girl possessed by an otherworldly power. Narrowly avoiding Majestic’s own investigation.
- 4 June 1998: Operation RED PLOWMAN II. Delta Green inserts its agents into Joint Task Force NEMESIS, which seeks to uproot and prosecute chapters of the Dorian Grey Society across America. M-Cell ends up encountering and pursuing a proto-avatar of the Headless Corpse God (who they end up killing in a nature preserve near the mouth of the Chesapeake). They discover the Dorian Grey Society's close ties to the CIA, and locate “The Sugar Farm”, a facility in the Panamanian jungle used by the Dorian Grey Society in a bizarre human experiment. The Society’s leader is murdered with hypergeometry by a mute, naked man referred to in documents as “The Innocent”, who promptly leaves.
- 29 August 1998: Operation CALUMNY. M-Cell returns to Vermont to investigate the outbreak of an alien virus. They investigate Majestic's efforts to control the spread of the virus and devise a cure, eventually witnessing Majestic defer to the help of the Greys to resolve the crisis. They use this opportunity to discern the location of a Grey hideout and raid it, discovering a Grey birthing chamber and an ancient cultist of the Whisperers, enhanced through some sort of alien symbiote. They videotape what they see and allow the tapes to be "discovered" by Majestic as proof of the Grey's deception. During this operation, Stingray explains that a rogue faction within Majestic's leadership has formed, interested in undermining Grey loyalists and forcing the aliens to "renegotiate" the Accord.
- 6 September 1998: Operation DEAD LETTER. V-Cell investigates the origins of an intercepted parcel at the Berkeley, California Post Office. They track it to Amalgamated Bio-Carb, a chemical production company with a facility on the Blackfeet Reservation in Montana. They rescue the whistleblower and thwart an attempt by ABC's South American benefactors to destroy the facility in a cover-up. They encounter the group's leader, and learn he may be connected to the Karotechia, Delta Green's old nemesis from WW2.
- 9 September 1998: Operation MIGHTY MOUSE. I-Cell approaches the leader of Coney Island Carpets, Taras Dzubenko, with clemency on the condition that Coney Island Carpets return to business, and only sell its criminal cleaning services to Delta Green. They capitulate. I-Cell is then summoned last-minute to a hotel room in Manhattan’s Wallace Hotel - the disposal of a seemingly immortal man bound and gagged in a bathtub. They learn the man is a “Cuckoo”, a species that is not human but appears as one. They resolve the anomaly, but at a high personal cost.
- 7 January 1999: Operation OBSIDIAN FLAKES. I-Cell returns to Maryland to continue its work against the Skoptsi. They discover a clandestine meeting between the Skoptsi and a third party they learn is their old allies in the Tadjbegskaya Bratva. Information gleaned from an intercepted parcel exchanged at this meeting drives I-Cell to plan and execute a raid on the Cornucopia House, the orphanage run by the Skoptsi’s front company, Families Without Frontiers. They kill the staff on-site and assassinate Yelena Kalamatiano, the company’s leader and a senior cultist of the Skoptsi.
- 8 March 1999: Father Casimir Szary is murdered on the steps of his church. That night, his corpse reanimates at the Chief Medical Examiner's Office in Brooklyn.
- 10 March 1999: Operation STOKER. The coroner who witnessed Father Szary's reanimation is a Friendly of Delta Green and reports the incident to NANCY of N-Cell. I-Cell is activated to handle the case, with NANCY accompanying. They discover that Szary was murdered by his brother in the faith, Father Gustav Yohn, an apprentice of Father Peter Rozsavolgyi who became fascinated in the occult secrets Rozsavolgyi studied, including The Gowdie Shape, and soon became a cultist of "The Haunter of the Red Abyss", Nyogtha.
- 17 April, 1999: I-Cell performs a favour for The Fate, travelling to Monument, Montana to spy on members of M-Cell conducting an operation. Throughout the mission their are strange complications, namely a series of weird encounters with the "Men in Black", stalking from an inexperienced investigator following them. Their mission leads to strange complications and a baffling climax, during which Agent Irena witnesses visions of a strange city in the jungle and is “received” by men in black, who indicate that she, and I-Cell, has become an important piece in a strange conflict between two equally esoteric enemies. They give their photos to The Fate who accept them, offering a small bribe as “compensation”.
- 19 April 1999: Operation SIAM SAM. M-Cell travels to Monument, Montana, to take part in a trade of information between Delta Green and the "rogue faction" within Majestic.
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